Monday, July 13, 2009

Birthday Fun

I had a wonderful 36th birthday. I spent the morning helping in Mady's class. This turned out to be a lot of fun as all the kids and her teacher sang Happy Birthday to me. She has such a great class. I just love helping and am so thankful she still wants me to.

When Scott got home, he brought in these two adorable birthday cakes. The worm cake was just for me. Mady and I enjoy watching a TV show called Ace of Cakes. They make these amazing and wild cakes. I mentioned to Scott that it would be fun to get one of those cakes for my birthday. Since the TV show is filmed in Baltimore it would have been hard to actually get an original cake. He did the next best thing...he found these adorable cakes at our local grocery store. They were so yummy. Scott never ceases to amaze me with how wonderful of a husband he is.

July 11th we decided to have a belated birthday/BBQ/pool party with the family for Brandon. We had such a great time. There were five kids and eight adults swimming. It was a very hot day but the water was perfect. Even though the kid's ages vary (Haiden(2), Brandon(15), Mady(9), Alyssa(4) & Hailey(5)), they all get along so well. The cousins love spending time together.

The older kids (AKA...the adult men) decided to make a game out of the water rings. The goal was to see who could jump in the middle of the rings without doing serious bodily damage to themselves. Let's just say the moms were not involved in the creation of this game. It was very funny to watch though! It ended up being a wonderful day. I have to admit, I think the adults had more fun and laughed harder than anyone else!


Adrienne said...

Very cute cakes! We had a great time on Saturday.

The Radici Family said...

Your blog is beautiful! You picked the perfect name! i love hearing about all your adventures! keep posting!

Nichole said...

Thanks Kasey. It's been fun. I too enjoy seeing everyone's blogs.