Monday, March 15, 2010

Spring Soccer

Mady decided she wanted to give soccer another try. She did it for two seasons when she was 4 and 5. She decided then it was not for her. Many of her friends play and since she is not doing ice skating anymore she decided to check it out again. I must say, she did great. We were a little nervous since it has been almost five years but she proved us wrong. We were worried she would hate it and want to give it up after the first game. That was not the case. She had so much fun and really got out there and worked hard. We are excited to see how she progresses through this season. The Spring soccer season is mostly for fun. They don't keep score. If she decides to play in the Fall, she will move up an age bracket where I think she'll have even more fun. Bigger field and they keep score!

Her team is the Lightning Strikers

They were getting their game plan in place. Scott is the assistant coach.

Great throw-in even though the ref said she lifted her foot. Doesn't look like it to me!

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